"Realist art is pointless, simply take a photo". I've heard this comment before, and at the time I thought, 'yeah, you're quite right really'. But as a graphic artist that naturally leans toward realism in my own creative practice, I also disagree. I was thinking about this comment today while working, as I'm part way through completing a piece for a new body of work, which I'll announce more about soon. I think sometimes realist art or 'hyperrealism' can imbue subject matter with a degree of renewed clarity. An artists interpretation (while debatable in terms of realist art), can convey a previously hidden or veiled message, particularly if that subject matter had only existed in photographic form.
Still stuck in the 90s
I love technology, but most of the time I think I'm still stuck in the 90s. Rocko, I understand little fella.
Retro Revival
Retro is big at the moment, especially if you're a gamer. Mid-2016 Nintendo announced the re-release of their classic NES console in a scaled down mini version with 30 games pre-installed. Fortunately that night on the day it was announced I pre-ordered... A huge number of frustrated Nintendo nerds missed out. Then later in the year, EB games announced another limited opening for preorders in the lead up to Christmas and that day the traffic at their website actually crashed it due to demand. Clearly there are many people out there, probably of a similar age to me, all seeking the comfort of 8-bit nostalgia and childhood/teen video game memories.
Just a few days ago, SEGA and ATARI both announced a revival of their retro consoles, and again today, Nintendo announced the revival of their much loved Super Nintendo Entertainment System in mini form with flagship titles. It seems that the days of Mario vs Sonic are here once again. I just can't wait to play Donkey Kong Country, complete with a classic SNES controller.
As a kid I never had an NES or SNES, but I have fond memories of playing Nintendo's ported versions to handheld consoles, particularly on the GameBoy handheld... Which got me thinking. Will 2018 be the year of a revived mini N64 console with titles like Super Mario 64, Goldeneye, Mario Kart and Donkey Kong 64 included? Or perhaps a re-release of the classic GameBoy complete with dot matrix display and pre-loaded games? Oh, I hope so!
Weekend whimsy
I'm not a huge fan of chocolate, so when Easter comes around each year I generally treat myself to some stuff I'll enjoy... Like new watercolours! This year I splashed out on the limited edition range of Twilight inspired colours in Winsor & Newton's Professional range of watercolours. They blend beautifully and all complement one another.
I made this little piece today, on Easter Sunday and simply felt like sharing a little something whimsical with you all. Peace.
Coffee Scribbles: New prints on the way!
A while back I was stuck for ideas, I wanted to be creative but nothing was coming to me. However, after I turned a dirty coffee ring stain into a man on a penny farthing, I was off and drawing! Like Forest Gump, I just kept on drawing... and drawing some more. A little creative side project called 'Coffee Scribbles' was born.
I also developed my drawings into a kids picture book concept. Hopefully one day it'll be published. In the meantime, you'll soon be able to purchase Coffee Scribbles cards from my Shop. Buy one for yourself, someone who loves coffee or for that strange relative that's impossible to buy for.